Thursday, August 15, 2013

Beeski Bits - August 15, 2013

Wondering what the competition looks like in your league/division this season? So was I, so I put together some tables showing which programs are icing teams at which levels. Zoom in to see the detailed tables. Anything that's shaded in the darker blue means there's a team at that level. If the program is icing more than one team I included the total number of teams they'll have. I also pasted some summary graphs after the jump.

Monday, August 12, 2013

King for a day

This will be my first blog post from the air as I travel to St. Louis for work for a couple of days. I haven't posted from a mobile device before this so I apologize if anything is off - call it an experiment. I'll be back in Philly tomorrow night, ready for practice on Wednesday night. VFC Peewee AA is getting ready for a preseason tuneup against the Jr. Flyers Peewee Minor team on Friday night. Looking forward to some game action instead of practice.

I came across a couple of posts over on that I really enjoyed. The subject is "If I were king," and the author goes on to list 20 things he'd change if he were given free reign over youth hockey. Definitely worthy of a read if you have a few minutes. More after the jump.

Friday, August 2, 2013

O Captain! My Captain!

Great advice here on what it takes to be a good team captain! We see it all the time in hockey where the player who puts up the most points -  or *gasp* the coach's kid - gets to wear the "C".

Now don't get me wrong - sometimes it's deserved. But sometimes it's not, and if that's the case it can be bad for the whole team.

To most (not all, but most) of the kids I've coached or been around, having a letter on their jersey is a thrill. So players, take note - start to show these qualities and you might just get that "C" or "A". No matter what, if you do these things in hockey and in life, you'll be a great leader!

My favorites:
1. Always put the team in front of yourself
4. Lead by example and be a good role model (responsibility, integrity, and willingness)
6. No matter what, stay positive. 
10. Be willing to take the blame 
Here's the link to the full post. What do you think, readers? Do you agree with this list? Which ones are your favorites? Would you add anything else?